🎥 Chevy Silverado Goes Down The Freeway With No Front Wheel… He is in a Hurry!

Sometimes, you just have to get where you’re going, regardless of trivial matters like all of the tires being on your ride. What we don’t understand is how this guy is running at pretty close to highway speeds with one tire completely off the wheel, sparks flying and the truck pitched at such an awkward angle. Maybe you guys can help us figure that one out?
This whole post is going to be about what you guys can come up with that might justify this insanity. There’s the obvious “When you get that midday booty call!”, but we think you guys can do better than that. So let’s hear what you think is going through this driver’s mind in the comments on Facebook. Do you think he’s drunk or high? Maybe he’s a new driver and doesn’t realize anything is even wrong? There are just so many questions. Was the tire off the wheel when he got in the truck, or did it come off on the way? Either way, how do you not notice that? Or did he notice and just doesn’t care? Maybe he’s running late for work and he’s already been warned not to be late again or he’ll lose his job.
Regardless of the why, this is just another example of why it’s great to have a camera in every phone and dashcams in a growing number of cars, because things like this probably happen far more often than we realized before there were cameras everywhere, there was just no way to capture the moment.
What would you do if you ran across this on the highway? Do you just video and carry on with your day? Do you try to flag the driver down and let him know what’s going on, or do you hang back and call the authorities? We aren’t really sure which is the best way to handle it, but we also don’t really understand what’s going on to cause this situation, so we can’t say what anybody should or shouldn’t do. We’re just glad this Instagrammer pulled out his phone and shot this so we can share it with you!