03 Mustang Cobra Wreck at Car Show and one more right after it!

When you are leaving a car show or meet up and trying to look cool, do not follow what this guy did in his 03 Ford Mustang Cobra. July 18th 2014, at Mustang Week 2014 near Hooters on HWY 17 in Myrtle Beach, SC, this Black SVT Cobra jumps the curb and crashing and wedges its self in between 2 on coming cars. Luckily it looks like no one was hurts at least physically. I believe the medical chart for the driver of the Cobra’s would show any wounds to be primarily emotional. You get 2 crashes for the one video, check both out.
In the beginning of the slide it looks like he has it under control, but lays back into the throttle again and that control he had control was lost again. Now to see what the online world says…
There you have it, the people have spoken…
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