12 Things Things V6 Camaro Owners Say

If you have ever navigated your way through the car world and become familiar with its ins and outs, you’re probably also aware that with certain car owners come certain stigmas. Now, we’re not saying that it’s alright the stereotype a certain car owner into one group but, in a lot of cases, you might just run across a lot of owners of a certain car acting in a similar way and this time, we catch one perspective on that matter from someone who appears to be pretty close to interacting with people who own V6 Camaros.
As you can probably imagine, the owner of a Chevrolet Camaro SS would probably have a lot of run-ins with the owners of V6 cars given that they share the same lineage. This time, we get this owner’s perspective on exactly how a lot of his encounters with V6 Camaro owners have gone that even includes a V6 Camaro owner telling this SS owner about how the SS is, in fact, a v6. No, we’re not kidding. As you can imagine this is a story that would probably be pretty interesting to hear all about. I wouldn’t be shocked to hear that the vast majority of us have been told “facts” about our cars that simply aren’t true.
Follow along in this first-person perspective of exactly how this Camaro SS owner has found that he has been approached by V6 owners of the same platform time after time. After listening to this perspective for yourself, be sure to tell us what you think of this collection of anecdotes that paint the picture of V6 Camaro owners from this person’s view. Do you find these anecdotes to be close to your reality or do you think that he’s little bit off in his analysis?