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$140 Tire Mounter & Balancer Test! Is it Worth The Money?

If you want to start a war, head into a shop that’s filled with mechanics who spend their hard earned dollars on high-end Snap-On tools and tell them that some tools that you found at Harbor Freight are just as good and you can go out there and buy them for a fraction of a fraction of the price.

In all seriousness, this is a debate that goes back and forth, leaving people to wonder if it’s really worth spending all of that money for the high-end tools or if they can get away with going to a place like Harbor Freight and getting the imported specialty tools for a fraction of the price. This time, we check out another Harbor Freight creation that attempts to cut down on what you’re spending on your machinery.

Now, it turns out that YouTuber, TJ Hunt, goes through a lot of tires at the track each week when he has to change out eight of them, week in and week out. He says that it comes at a price of $150 dollars that he’s forced to pay over and over again. Essentially, it adds up to being pretty costly to carry out the job so he has been looking for a way out and while shopping at Harbor Freight, well, he might have just come across that way for less than what it costs to get his tires taken care of for a single week.

Will $140 dollars worth of tools be able to take out the job of a tire machine that cost thousands? There has to be some sort of discrepancy here and the guys are taking a stab at finding out exactly what that is. Check out the video below that will take you inside to see exactly what these budget tools are all about.