fb-pixel 1970 Camaro’s door flies open mid-race, driver tries closing it with no hands - Speed Society
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1970 Camaro’s door flies open mid-race, driver tries closing it with no hands

When we tell you that literally anything can happen in the middle of the race, we mean anything. Seriously, we have seen some pretty wild scenarios unfold in between the walls of the race track.

This time, we check out a Chevrolet Camaro racing around a road course, when all of a sudden, its door flies open after getting into contact with a Ford Mustang.

This leaves the driver to attempt to correct the open door, so we watch as the American muscle machine swerves back-and-forth in a fury of an attempt to get the door closed again.

Eventually, it does look like the door gets shut, but it comes at the expense of the Camaro staying on the track as the driver loses control and spins out.

It’s unclear whether or not the car sustained any damage after closing the door as the footage cuts off right before he potentially goes into the wall, but one thing is for sure: this is one obscure clip for the vault.
