2016’s Worst Red-Light Runners in Florida

Thank God for traffic cameras! While we certainly hope none of these drivers were injured in these mishaps, they make for some great entertainment, and a lesson in what NOT to do!
People have been running red-lights since the first one was installed, but with cell phones being more widely used than ever, it’s likely that most of these fender benders were caused by distracted drivers, showing once again just how dangerous it can be to drive and text/post/selfie. Every single one of these accidents could have been avoided if the driver was simply paying attention to the world around them, as traffic signals are hardly subtle. If you’re looking forward out of the windshield, you generally can’t miss them.
Instead, these drivers bang, bump and plow into the cars of completely innocent bystanders, ruining the day of all involved, simply because they weren’t aware of their surroundings. We certainly aren’t going to be hypocritical here, we post plenty of dangerous driving videos and occasionally celebrate a guy outrunning the cops or driving too fast through heavy traffic, but you can rest assured, those guys are paying very close attention to the road and the drivers around them and trying their best not to have an accident. The folks in this video are the exact opposite, paying more attention to their phone or their makeup than the road, and it costs them big time.