2018 Subaru WRX STI Type RA Review – The $50,000 STI

What comes to purchasing a car, there are a ton of factors to consider and if you’re going to buy a brand-new vehicle and drop $50,000 on it, you want to make sure that you know exactly what you’re getting or at least have the best and most informed opinion that you possibly can before you just go grab that kind of cash. In this day and age, it almost seems like $50,000 is getting to buy you less and less but that isn’t to say that you should be willing to just run out and throw it away on something that’s going to be a complete piece of garbage that you’re going to hate and end up selling right away, right?
In this one, we take a ride along with our host at Engineering explained. This time, he is isn’t necessarily giving us the down and dirty on an engineering concept, breaking it down so that we can better understand, but instead, besides give us a little bit of a car review, hopping behind the wheel of the 2018 Subaru WRX STI type RA and giving it a nice little review. You know that this guy is always thorough so this review definitely follows as we get the ins and outs of what exactly this Subaru has to offer and why you might want to consider adding it to your stable.
Follow along down in the video below as all of the details about the Subaru are delivered straight to your front doorstep so you can better make a decision about this car. After watching something like this, are you more inclined to go out and purchase one of these machines or are you going to lean away from it and wait for something that will give you a better value to come forward? Either way, I don’t think that you can argue against the idea that this car really does step up in a big way and really has a lot to offer!