6 Worst Truck Mods You Want To Stay Away From!

There’s a whole industry out there of aftermarket accessories just for pickup trucks and I would be willing to guess without googling that it’s at least a “Hundreds of millions of dollars a year” market. However, just because they make it doesn’t always mean it’s a good idea. This video takes a good look at some of the less-desirable mods that a lot of people still do.
The first one, we can’t agree more with. Truck Nuts just might be the worst idea ever in the history of bad accessories. Not only do they serve no practical purpose, they’re just downright gross. I don’t want my nine year old daughter to look at a truck and say “Dad, what are those?” and look down to find her pointing to a pair of metal or plastic balls. At least the next item on the list serves a purpose.
Truck bed nets that replace the tailgate may or may not help with efficiency, but they do sometimes work to hold things in the bed that wouldn’t fit inside the confines of the rigid tailgate. As such, they can increase the bed’s capacity while maintaining some control over the cargo. However, if you’re not rocking the PreRunner look, it’s better to just stick with the stock tailgate.
While there is certainly a reason to lift almost any truck, doing so to extremes just for the sake of having a stupidly tall truck is just absurd. Of course there’s a happy medium where you get enough lift to tackle the trails with ease with making your truck hard to get in and out of, but it seems a lot of the truck I see on the road sitting a full 12 inches higher than stock spend all of there time… On the road. What’s the point of all that? Number four we have a little harder time agreeing with. Big wheels are a staple in the aftermarket, especially on trucks. If you’re going to life your truck a few inches, it’s okay to throw some 22’s on there, but we do have to agree that they look better wrapped in a little more tire than a lot of truck owners choose.
Checking in at #5 is a trend that can’t die soon enough. Rolling coal is just plain rude and obnoxious. Even overlooking the environmental impact, just the act in and of itself is completely attention-seeking. As if your jacked up, entirely-too-loud diesel wasn’t already hard enough to miss, now you want to add a massive cloud of soot to the mix. Please grow up and stop that nonsense.
We also agree with number six. Chrome done tastefully is always a nice addition to any ride, but it doesn’t take much to go too far, and then it quickly becomes gaudy and can even be dangerous. You can’t tell me you haven’t been blinded by chrome accessories while driving at some point in your life! All in all, this is a pretty solid start on the “what-not-to-do” list. If you have a truck and you’re looking to modify it, watch this for a roadmap of things to avoid!