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7 Things You (Probably) Didn’t Know About The Fast & Furious

7 Things You (Probably) Didn’t Know About The Fast & Furious

There are many of us, that while growing up, were leeched on to the Fast and the Furious series as our first real taste of what the car world is about… Or at least what we thought it was about.

Even though most of us are able to differentiate reality from Hollywood magic in these flicks, with most of the action being Hollywood magic, we still can’t help but watch them over and over again. It’s really generated an interest that is full of knowledge about the series.

While we might know a lot about it and be able to spew off a bunch of corny one-liners that we have memorized, this video aims at tackling seven things that you probably didn’t know about the franchise.

Check out the video below that takes us inside of information from how Paul Walker was able to execute some of his own stunts to what inspired some of the scenes and a bunch of random knowledge in between.