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Chevy S10 VS Ford Mustang – NASTY 2 CAR CRASH

Chevy S10 VS Ford Mustang – NASTY 2 CAR CRASH

When partaking in a drag race, the amount of trust that you must have in the guy in the other lane is insane. Not only do you need to trust their driving ability and setup longevity, but you also have to bank on no freak accidents happening as well.

We’re not really sure if this crash was a result of driver error, a breakage, or just plain bad luck, but the result isn’t pretty to watch.

Check out the video below as a Chevrolet S10 and Ford Mustang go head to head when all of a sudden, the truck loses control and swerves into the Mustang’s lane, causing an ugly wreck. From what we understand, both drivers walked away uninjured.

Watch a pair of all-motor S10s throw down with a Mustang and Chevelle!

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