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3 Lamborghini Twin turbos, Turbo Porsches, Corvettes – Cruising

Epic video, with some of the most mind blowing cars around.

Featuring: 3 Twin Turbo Underground Racing Lamborghini, Multiple twin turbo porsches, Chevrolet Corvette, vipers, and more. This is one of the runs that you dream to be able to watch. Problem is most chase cars can’t keep up with these guys! Looks like some of our friends (no need to name names, you know if you know)

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What an awesome shot of all 3 lining up for a casual drive. It will be interesting to see what people have to say about this video. Make sure you comment and share because Facebook will only show it to more people if you share. They are changing things but we are still trying to deliver the best daily content to you, our fans! We will post what people are saying as things get going..