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Suzuki Hayabusa Ghost Rider The Best of the Best!!

A 499-horsepower turbocharged, naked Suzuki Hayabusa and a GSX-R1000

This has to be one of the best videos of all time. We understand he has a crazy STI as well, that he uses to bail the police with in addition to his bikes as you will see here. This video and the drift video below have to be some of the best displays of riding we have seen to date. Call it what you want, but this guy is amazing in more ways than one. He sell’s DVD’s all about his evading the police.

His Bikes of choice? A 499-horsepower turbocharged, naked Suzuki Hayabusa and a GSX-R1000.


One of the myths about Ghost Rider is that he actually has Diplomatic immunity, this is a form of legal immunity that ensures that diplomats are given safe passage and are considered not susceptible to lawsuit or prosecution under the host country’s laws, although they can still be expelled. It makes much more sense that he takes the risks because if the guy gets caught he can’t be prosecuted. He seems to think on a motorcycle he can outrun anything.

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Sit back and enjoy this nonstop adrenaline rush, also make sure you share it so others can see the post as well. Here is what people are saying about this guy so far. Do you agree! Make sure you comment!

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Some people are saying he is dead here, and others are saying they see him around time to time. I Imagine if you ran from the cops this much, you want want to vanish as well.

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