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Easy Fix Car Scratches with WD-40

Easy Fix Car Scratches with WD-40

If you’re anything like we are, you notice a new scratch or blemish each and every time you wash your ride and it gives you a churning feeling in your stomach.

If you don’t have access to the proper tools for the job and you want to spruce the hoopty up a bit, this video suggests that you just grab a can of WD-40 out of the shed and spray away and all scratches will be gone after a quick wipe with a paper towel.

From what we understand this video does have some truth behind it and the WD-40 will hide minor paint blemishes as a quick, short term fix… kind of like throwing a large amount of nitrous on a slow car. However, that doesn’t mean that we recommend that you try this at home if your car is your prized possession or if you place value on your paint job.

With the very little bit of detailing background that we’ve picked up over the years, the very sight of this video makes us cringe, but hey… maybe we’re wrong and this is a revolutionary breakthrough.

Check out the video below and decide for yourself with caution if this method could work for you.

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