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Driver SMASHES Multiple Cars In A Hit And Run Nightmare!

Driver SMASHES Multiple Cars In A Hit And Run Nightmare!

When the driver of this SUV ran into a taxi cab in the city, they weren’t about to stick around and see what the cab driver had to say about the issue. When the driver ran away, things escalated way higher than they needed to be.

After the cab driver gets out to confront the driver of the SUV who is trying to run in the crowded city, the SUV driver panics and mashes the accelerator. The result was a horrid display of driving (if you even want to call it that) and a handful of smashed up cars.

Watch in the video below as someone was able to lean out of the window of their apartment and get it all on camera. We get the feeling that the SUV driver will have police at their door awfully soon.

On a side note, somebody in this video doesn’t need a license. Guess who!