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The BADDEST Diesel Pulling Tractor You Will EVER SEE!

The BADDEST Diesel Pulling Tractor You Will EVER SEE!

The world of tractor pulling generally consists of a multitude of badass machines, but this rig could be among the baddest that we’ve ever seen! Upon launching

Upon launching, we’re not so sure that this beast is going to stay on the ground, but rather it looks like it might launch into orbit as it pulls an insane wheelie off the line, pushing plumes of black smoke into the air!

Check out the wicked video below as the killer ride nearly blacks out the sun. We find it hard to believe that this bad boy didn’t win the competition, but if that’s the case, then we desperately need to see the rig that did!

Check out this INSANE situation where the engine block flies out of the tractor!