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Ben’s Nascar Twin engine 1300HP AWD Go-Kart

Ben’s Nascar Twin engine 1300HP AWD

We might have just stumbled upon the best go-kart ever. This car frame sports not one, but two engines and even has a little bit of turbo power to sweeten the pot!

This twin-engined monster brings 1300awhp to the table and isn’t afraid to show it. In fact, the bodiless car is able to accelerate to 60mph in an unbelievable 2.0-seconds.

Still not impressed? While we find that hard to believe, we feel obliged to tell you that the car isn’t running at full boost either. The front engine is currently operating at around 60% and the rear around 70%. We have GOT to see this thing at 100% and sporting a body.

Check out this Grand Prix sporting an engine under the hood and in the trunk!
