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The EQUUS Bass770 A Brand New Muscle Car?

The EQUUS Bass770 A Brand New Muscle Car?

There are certain things that we love about American muscle cars and certain aspects that might be worth bringing up to the 21st century’s automotive standard.

It was out of this concept that the EQUUS Bass770 was born. What you’re looking at right now is a brand new muscle car that implements what the creators would have liked to see out of the 60s and 70s icons from the get-go.

Check out the interesting flick below that shows a police officer that pulls over an EQUUS for the opportunity to get behind the wheel and rip on the all-new luxury muscle car! What do you think of this new ride and the entertaining advertisement below that goes with it?

If you find yourself in the position to blow $86-million, you might want to check out this toy.

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