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EPIC FAIL! Chevrolet Camaro Burnout Ends Hilariously Bad!

EPIC FAIL! Chevrolet Camaro Burnout Ends Hilariously Bad!

When we tell you that we have seen our fair share of burnout fails, we mean it. From folks simply not knowing how to drive and giving it too much gas to equipment malfunctions, we’ve seen it all.

This time, however, we can’t seem to figure out how this one ended the way that it did. When this Chevrolet Camaro owner decides to give his tires a nice little roast, everything seems to be ok as he pulls out of the smoke show successfully.

It’s seconds after that the catastrophe goes down. Watch as the driver has ample time to react and just doesn’t. Maybe somebody could shed more light on this than we can, but quite frankly, this Camaro has us stumped!

Wherever a Camaro fails, there always seems to be a Mustang to outdo it for some reason…
