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Crazy Twin Turbo Viper Anti-Lag – BIG FLAMES!

Crazy Twin Turbo Viper Anti-Lag – BIG FLAMES!

The Dodge Viper is one of those cars that just draws the attention of everybody around it. Even straight out of the box, these things are show stoppers.

Now, imagine what happens when you take an already attractive car and make it spit fire out of its exhaust, something like an imitation dragon.

That’s exactly what we’re up against with this wild Viper that features a nasty two step. While the car only managed to reach an 11-second pass, that high trap speed tells us that there’s a lot more left in the tank.

Check out the video of the car in action below and tell us what you think of this wild and crazy sports coupe. Don’t get too close or you might get burnt!

This is why you should think twice before letting someone else drive your car.

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