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BoostedGT -vs- LSX Willys Army Jeep

BoostedGT -vs- LSX Willys Army Jeep

BoostedGT and LSX Willys are perhaps two of the biggest fan favorites to hit the streets and today they’re facing off in some legal street drags.

We watch as the supercharged Jeep featuring tons of nitrous squares off with one of the baddest Ford Mustangs in the streets.

The Willys might have been sleeping at the line a bit, but it’s still awesome to watch a couple of rides of this magnitude square off in a street legal race.

Check out the video of the bout below and tell us what you think of this matchup. Did you expect the result that came out of it?

Watch as BoostedGT has an extremely close call while getting it in with a G-Body!

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