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WILD Flat Black Mustang Battles Dirty G Body – GRUDGE RACE CRASH!

WILD Flat Black Mustang Battles Dirty G Body – GRUDGE RACE CRASH!

When it comes to grudge racing, things always tend to be a little more interesting. In this fiercely competitive world, drivers will push their cars just a little bit harder when there’s something on the line.

This time, when the “Shawty” Ford Mustang lines up with the “John Doe” G-Body, they’re off to the races and it’s only a matter of seconds before the Mustang slips out of the groove and collides with the wall.

It’s hard to watch as the car slides around and decides to keep on throttling down, but that’s all a part of the urge to win kicking in.

Technically, the driver never left his lane, so we think that this still might count as a win for him even if he crashed. Check out the video below and tell us what you think!

Watch as this modified Viper takes on a GT-R and a Corvette!

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