Ferrari F40 and LaFerrari Rev-Off In Underground Parking Garage
Ferrari F40 and LaFerrari Rev-Off In Underground Parking Garage
In this situation, it looks like we might just be up against a situation that truly has no losers as a pair of Ferrari masterpieces goes head to head in a parking garage with a little exhaust battle.
We check it out as a Ferrari F40 and a Ferrari LaFerrari rev off against each other to see whose exhaust is louder and better sounding in an underground parking garage.
It all goes down during the 2015 Quarry Park & Polish in Calgary and we can’t help but push the play button multiple times on this one to get the full effect!
Check out the video below and crank those speakers up as these two exotic supercars go at it head to head in quite the unconventional way. Which one of these beauties is your favorite?