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Kid Rides Dirt Bike Through High School For Senior Prank

Kid Rides Dirt Bike Through High School For Senior Prank

Oh, high school, a carefree time where all you need to worry about is a little bit of homework and where you’re meeting up with your friends this weekend.

For this high school senior, he had to add one other thing to the good old to-do list. This list item involved pulling a high school senior prank that would put him down in the history books of Knock High School.

Instead of keeping it traditional, Austin decided that he would hop on his dirtbike and ride it down the hallways of the school building! After watching it, we say job well done Mitchell!

You could check out the prank for yourself and the video below that resulted in a $450 fine and suspension for the last three days of school (not sure how that’s a punishment). We have to give this one two thumbs way up! What do you think of this way to go out as a senior?

This dirtbike near miss doesn’t even make this guy get off the phone!

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