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Woman Destroys a $100,000 Car Because it’s Allegedly Too Small

Woman Destroys a Luxury Car Because it’s Allegedly Too Small

While there might not be too many good reasons to destroy a perfectly good car, especially one that’s worth a pretty penny, this reason just doesn’t make sense all.

According to the video’s uploader, when this woman, seen in the clip, was given a car by her husband, she had determined that it was too small for family use. It doesn’t seem like the biggest deal in the world, right? You just sell it an move on.

That wasn’t this woman’s reaction at all, though. Instead, she decided to destroy the car, ripping it live him from limb in a public display that leaves everybody scratching their heads.

Check out the video below is the Audi Q7 is on the receiving end of the quite upset female. There has to be something here that we’re missing because this just doesn’t seem right.


When a supermodel, a Ferrari, and a sledgehammer all come together, it makes some good advertising.

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