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“Redneck Road Rage” Video Leads to Florida Man’s Arrest

“Redneck Road Rage” Video Leads to Florida Man’s Arrest

If common decency isn’t enough to convince you to be a half civil person during situations where you just want to have road rage, the threat of being the next embarrassing viral video should help.

Almost everyone has seen this video in which a man is giving physical gestures to another driver that he is clearly upset with and ends up losing control of his Ford pickup truck and slamming into a pole on the other side of the road.

As if that wasn’t enough, this video also apparently was enough to lead to the driver’s arrest as well. Insult to injury just keeps on being added all over the place and he could’ve avoided it by simply keeping his cool for five minutes.

Check out the video below that is possibly the biggest dose of instant karma that we have ever seen. What do you think of this road rage caught on camera?


This road rage below is simply going overboard!
