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Gas vs Diesel – Hemi Battling Powerstroke – Tug Of War Fail!

Gas vs Diesel – Hemi Battling Powerstroke – Tug Of War Fail!

When it comes to who makes more towing power, we think that anyone with a gas powered truck is a bit foolish if they think they can outdo a diesel.

This time, it’s put to the test when what looks to be a father vs son combo goes at it! On one side, we have a Dodge Ram powered by Hemi and on the other an old school Powerstroke.

Even though it has over 200k miles on it, the Powerstroke has no issue yanking the Dodge around like it’s a weightless trailer. He even goes on to show off by hauling it all the way around the field for good measure.

Check out the tug-of-war showdown in the video below that has this Hemi owner heading home with his tail tucked in between his legs. Better luck next time!

This unique tug-of-war has tractors going at it!
