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Drunk Driver In The Middle East Repeatedly Smashes Rolls-Royce and Mercedes

Drunk Driver In The Middle East Repeatedly Smashes Rolls-Royce and Mercedes

When it comes to drinking and driving, it’s always a bad idea and this guy learns that lesson in one of the most monetarily expensive ways possible.

After getting all gassed up and hopping behind the wheel of a Mercedes-Benz SUV, the driver whips the car around in circles carelessly, ramming into a Rolls Royce multiple times.

After all is said and done, the drunk is plucked from the seat of his Benz after smashing into what looks like a Jaguar and detained by the staff of the hotel.

Check out the video below that shows off the reckless mayhem that ends in some big dollar damage. This, boys and girls, is a prime example of what you shouldn’t do.