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The Thermite Launcher – Dangerous Much?

We’re no scientists, but a quick Wikipedia search gave us all of the information that we need to become the absolute authority on what thermite is and how it’s used (kidding of course).

Anyways, from what we’ve gathered, the substance is basically a composition of different substances, that when exposed to heat, gives off an extreme amount of heat for a short period of time.

From what we can see, it’s used for a variety of applications from blasting through metal to welding and a variety of fun activities in between.

We don’t think that anyone, other than Colin Furze that is, has seen thermite as something that you would want to launch through the air.

In this experiment that we’re going to urge you to not try out for yourself, Furze puts a thermite cannon to the test and man, oh man, does he look like a kid in a candy shop.

Check out the video below that shows the cannon of sorts being put to the test, exposing thermite to a whole collection of situations that we just can’t look away from!