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Can You Really Cook Meat With Your Car?


Thanks to the internet, we’re able to have instant access to unlimited information, much of the time answering the most specific questions that we never even had in the first place.

In this demonstration, we take a look at some entertainment that ranks slightly above watching cat videos and for some reason, we want to try this for ourselves.

This feature dives into the possibilities of cooking meat using your car. If you found yourself stranded with some miscellaneous meat on hand, this could really come in handy! After all, Jalopnik says that two-thirds of the energy produced by your vehicle is wasted as a heat byproduct.

From the intake manifold to the valve covers and the catalytic converter, every surface of this XJ Jeep Cherokee that gets hot is put to the test to see if it can make raw meat edible.

Check out the experiment in the video below that takes a shot a preparing bacon, pork, and steak with nothing more that Jeep heat and a little bit of tin foil. Will it work? Find out for yourself below!

