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The New Virtual Reality Driving Gameplay by PlayStation has Everyone Wanting in on this VR Driver’s Club

The sport of racing promises a lot of rewards and you can really get a lot out of the white-knuckled ride if you put your entire self into it.

Among the things that you can get out of this wonderful sport of ours are a wild adrenaline rush, a dose of camaraderie, and the feeling of winning after putting in a long day of work with your team.

One thing that the world of racing does not promise, however, is being anywhere near the realm of what most people would know as “affordable.” Heck, the sport that we love could nickel and dime us to death if we really didn’t keep a close eye on the funds.

Thankfully, with the ever-growing and rapid expansion of technology these days, we are now able to hop into other mediums that allow the simulation of the more expensive facets of racing to be had at nothing more than a fraction of a fraction of the price.

With virtual reality systems, PlayStation owners are now able to just about get behind the driver seat as they experience, in 360°, what it’s like to be behind the wheel are of a race car.

The best part of the whole deal is that it won’t put such a big dent in your wallet, either. On the other hand, however, there’s no guarantee that your crummy driving skills will get any better, either.