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How Much Nitrous Can a Stock 305ci Chevy small-block Take?

Some say that nitrous is a dangerous way to make an engine that you care abut crank out more horsepower and that you should avoid it altogether.

Others will tell you that nitrous is safe and the success of a setup all depends on if the person who set it all up knows what they are doing or not.

This time, we check out what happens when more and more nitrous is put through the likes of a somewhat built Chevrolet 305 to see how much it can handle.

Check out the process in the video below as more and more nitrous is stuffed into the engine until it eventually pops under pressure.

This thing lasted for a surprisingly long amount of time compared to what the expectations were headed into the little experiment. No matter what your opinion on nitrous, this one is definitely an entertaining clip to watch unfold.