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Top 7 most satisfying cold starts!

When it comes to machines sporting combustion engines, it’s tough for some folks to grasp the fascination that many of us have with such mechanical constructions. While it’s tough to explain the feeling in its entirety, we can most certainly tell all about certain aspects of the passion.

This time, we dive into the sound factor, exploring a couple of cold starts that tap right into your spine and send chills to the rest of your nervous system. After all, sound is one of the key elements of any attractive machine.

From an IndyCar to heavy equipment and everything in between, this video attempts to capture some of the most satisfying cold start sounds that exist and put them all in one video compilation. Sure, it’s tough to do sounds like this justice through a phone or computer speaker but we get the general idea.

Check out the video below that collects seven of the sounds for everyone to hear and tell us which of these are your favorite and what you would choose to add to the list. Personally, I think that there should be a few more spots allotted for some classic American muscle machines.