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The $640,000 Parking Space and the Owner Who Would Never Sell It

In most places within the United States of America, parking is available and free. It isn’t really the most scarce thing that there is, that is, unless you happen to reside in an overcrowded city like New York City. Otherwise, you shouldn’t have too much trouble trying to find a spot and when you do, we would venture to think that it wouldn’t hold a candle to parking in some other parts of the world.

This time, we take a trip to Hong Kong where parking isn’t as readily available and as such, tends to cost a pretty penny if you can get your hands on it at all. When we say a pretty penny, we really mean it too as these parking spots have been known to yield more cash than many houses here in the states.

For just one parking space in this specific location, seen in the video below, we are looking at a sum of $640,000. Now, this businessman owns a pair of the spots in the front of his office which he claims he could easily sell for $1.3 million but he doesn’t think that he will be selling off the spots anytime soon. Basically, he is sitting on the parking spots that are worth more than many will make in the next decade.

Check out the video below that shows you exactly what such an expensive parking spot looks like and explains a little bit more in depth why in the world you wouldn’t sell a parking spot for such a vast amount of money. To us, this is sheer lunacy. If you were crammed into such a space that created a market for a parking spot to make it worth this much money, would you dare to shell out that kind of cash to park? Heck since space is only going to become more scarce, this might be an appreciating asset!