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Semi truck rams into the back of a pickup truck towing a trailer

An accident is something that nobody likes to ever see happen but in some situations, it simply can’t be avoided and this just so happens to appear to be one of those situations as a semi truck driver may have lost focus for just a second and it ended up costing another driver on the road in a big way.

Thanks to a dashcam that is rolling from another semi truck, we’re able to see the entire scene unfold as the Ford Powerstroke pickup truck hauling along a trailer gets rear ended and there is really nothing that the driver can do to correct the situation.

The only option that the occupants have here is hold on for dear life as the truck slides sideways and moves its way over into oncoming traffic before rolling over. Needless to say, this one could have gotten mighty ugly but somehow, we’re told that all of the people inside of the truck were able to make it out in one piece without a scratch – Talk about luck and good fortune!

If you dare, check out the video below that will show you the devastating sequence. Just let us warn you that this one gets pretty ugly in a hurry. This is something that you never want to see go down.