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This is the coolest bottle opener in the world!

Bottle openers come in many cool shapes and sizes and you can get them in just about any style that you want but we have to say that this demonstration shows off what is perhaps the most unique and badass bottle opener that we have ever laid eyes on.

It’s hard not to be the life of the party when you tell everyone that the mechanism that use to open up your bottles is a real-life hawk. That’s right, deathly talons and all, this soaring bird of prey has been “trained” to pop the top off of your favorite bottle of beer.

By simply placing the hawk’s meal in a tasty rodent on top of the bottle, this guy is able to get the bird to swoop on down and use its beak to remove the top of the bottle. Sorry, but your party trick just became irrelevant with one single motion.

We almost couldn’t believe it the first time through, so we had to watch it for a second time to confirm what we had just seen. Get a load of the once in a lifetime demonstration for yourself down the video below.