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Cocky Harley owner shows off and it goes horribly wrong

Now, when you see this video, it can be easy to criticize the guy on the motorcycle here. He is acting like a pretty big goofball but to be honest, we kind of see where he is coming from. When you have that shiny new toy, it’s only natural to want to show it off but the key is to show it off only when you have complete confidence in your abilities with said toy.

This time, it looks like the rider onboard of this chopper got a little bit ahead of himself when he walked out of whatever restaurant or bar is pictured in this video and decided to do a little bit of a sideshow for the people in attendance show off exactly what he is (or isn’t) capable of.

We watch as the rider goes to town and before we know it, he’s sliding into the Chevrolet pickup truck parked nearby. If that isn’t an absolute and complete and utter failure, we aren’t really sure what would constitute one and the level of instant regret here has to be incredibly high for this poor sap.

On a more positive note, this is definitely a lesson in self-control. It kind of sucks that I had to be learned the hard way but this guy did get the attention that he so desired. Check it all out for yourself down in the video below that showcases the security footage that this guy probably wishes would have been deleted by now.