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When a Tire is Heated From The Outside a Massive Explosion can Occur

The dangers presented by a regular everyday tire is often underestimated by people. Hopefully after seeing videos like this, more people will respect the potential dangers, especially since the only thing the caused this explosion is heat.

This test procedure is pretty simple: a big rig tire and a robotic welding setup that serves as an external heat source. Just a couple of minutes into the test, you can see the tire temperature soaring, along with the pressure level. Then it finally hits a level that the tire can’t contain, and what happens next is intense!

The tire explodes in pretty spectacular fashion, blowing out one whole side of sidewall in the violent reaction. This exact same thing could happen with any type of tire if the pressures reach high enough, so please always be very careful. However, if anybody out there decides to try to replicate this type of explosion, please take the appropriate safety precautions, and don’t forget your GoPro!