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5 Things you need to know about racing harness safety – Rock Rods Tech

While it can be an easy thing to ignore, safety should be one of the first things that we all consider when we head out into a competitive motorsport. Sure, it might not be as fun to upgrade these components as compared to the go fast stuff but at the end of the day, the go fast stuff isn’t doing you much good if you’re not alive to use it.

This time, the task at hand is to discuss is racing safety harnesses and exactly what you need to know when going into buying and installing the right one for your particular application. This isn’t something that you’re going to want to just slap together, after all.

Check out the video below that shows one of the latest episodes of Rock Rods Tech as Jake Burkey and special guest, Kris Vangilder from ISP Seats give us the lowdown things to pay attention to when it comes to properly keeping your safety intact.