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Funny S*** Truck Owners Say!

When it comes to parody, the internet most certainly has no shortage of folks who are ready and willing to unleash their comedic firepower on whatever group of folks their needle lands on and this time, the recipient of such a video is none other than truck owners.

With a flurry of jokes about being a redneck and compensating for something down below, this Vehicle Virgins video dives into a jacked up Cummins powered Dodge Ram to give you a little idea of exactly what being a truck owner is all about.

Dive into this Cummins with the help of “MMM Baby” and his trusty Make America Great Again hat as he gives us the lowdown on exactly what owning a truck is all about and what’s done to this thing to make it the best truck that it can possibly be. Check out the video below to learn a little bit more about this rig for yourself and prepare to laugh!