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U-Haul Bait Truck With 100lbs of Poop in the Back

Pranks and YouTube go together almost as well as peanut butter and jelly. It’s almost like the online video hosting platform has given birth to an all new genre of home entertainment as pranksters head out with nothing more than their camera and creativity to put on a show.

Now, when it comes to the likes of channels like TwinzTV, many have accused them of faking their experiments and with antics that gravitate pretty far toward the illegal side of the spectrum, you can’t really blame people for questioning what these guys film and put up on YouTube but even if it is an act, it’s still pretty interesting to watch.

This time, the “prank” at hand unfolds in front of our eyes when the guys get a U-Haul truck and set it up with moving boxes in the back as to lure in potential criminals in a “bait truck” scenario. What the people that spot the truck don’t know is that they’re about to get locked inside and the moving boxes are filled with manure that’s going to go absolutely everywhere once the truck is underway.

Ride along with this prank down in the video below and tell us what you think of the display as the U-Haul truck is whipped around the city and manure goes flying every which way. Do you think that these guys are actually crazy enough to pull off these pranks on unsuspecting people?