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How To Destroy a Rental Car

Have you ever heard the phrase “drive it like a rental” or been advised by a friend to never buy a car that has served as a rental car? Well, that ideology certainly has come around for good reason. Generally, when people rent vehicles, they don’t treat them so well in many scenarios.

Even though folks tend to rag on rental cars, we can’t say that we have ever seen a rental treated like this and to be honest, it’s kind of disgusting to watch as the guys with their faces hidden behind a blurred out mask destroy someone else’s property and film the entire thing to share with the world.

It would appear to be an attempt to make a video go viral when these guys got their hands on the rental car and went to town on it. Not only did they drive it like it was stolen, which we could probably forgive, but they also brought out foreign objects to beat down the rental into oblivion. We definitely saw a sledgehammer in the mix, there!

The video ends with a representative from the rental company telling the guys that they’re going to need a police report to validate whatever claims they made and have their insurance kick in. Something tells us that these people are going to be out a rather large amount of money in this case.