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How to Super Flush your Cars Cooling System

What comes to maintaining your vehicle, the cooling system is a crucial part. Without it functioning properly, you can end up spending more than anyone wants to on repairs and if it gets bad enough, the repairs can turn to the replacement of even more expensive parts.

Luckily for you, if you don’t know how to take care of your cooling system, there are plenty of helping hands out there on the Internet to teach you how to do it and we would venture to say that YouTuber, ChrisFix, is a reliable source to look to when learning how to change your coolant

In this demonstration, we check out how to go through a clean sweep of the cooling system, draining out the radiator, heater core, and engine block to get out your old and broken down coolant and replace it with a fresh and clean cooling solution.

Check out the video below that takes the liberty of walking you through the process from top to bottom so that you won’t have any questions about how the job is done right. Be sure to chime in on how this process worked out for you and if you have any other helpful tips that might be of assistance to another enthusiast who is taking on the same job.