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How to Remove a Broken Bolt, the Smartest Way

Just imagine being out in the garage, wrenching away at whatever project it is that you have going on and enjoying some good times with your buddies, when all of a sudden, a giant pain in the rear end unfolds as you go to loosen a bolt and the head snaps completely off.

Now, this may seem like the end of the world but you aren’t the first one to have this happen to you. In fact, it’s happened so many times over that there are multiple different ways of getting the threads out of their home even when the head is no longer intact.

This time, we catch up with a handy little trick that involves welding a nut and washer to the end of the threads so that you can get a wrench on it and make it a lot easier to twist out. If you do everything just right, then the job that once seemed impossible should take no longer than a couple of seconds.

Check out the video below at shows office method of thread removal and be sure to tell us if you have any other tips or tricks for getting yourself out of a situation like this. With knowledge along these lines, you’re well on your way to a more headache free project.