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Surge Tech- Magnetic motor

When it comes to how exactly we power our lives in every single way, the rat race is on to find the most efficient and cheapest way of making power. When you ask different folks about what their theories are on the matter, you will most certainly get different answers.

This time, we dive into an invention created by an inventor who really seems to be on to something as he uses the power of magnets to generate even more power that can be put into real world use to propel just about anything that you want it to including a car.

Now, given that this type of surge technology isn’t implemented in cars all over the place today, we would venture to say that there are several drawbacks that inventor isn’t necessarily including in his explanation but it definitely looks like a feasible start to a solution that could last forever.

Check out the video below as this enthusiastic inventor gives us the rundown of how exactly his magnet powered motor works to crank out the amps!