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Rally Hooligans Nearly Get Hit by a Rally Car

No matter what sport you like across the globe, we’re more than sure that there will probably be a group of fans for that sport that happens to be the rowdy and drunk cheering section. This time, we drop in on that group of fans as related to the motorsport of rally.

Just when you thought that NASCAR was the only sport that would tolerate a bunch of drunk rednecks sitting trackside and cheering with their shirts off, these rally fans hop to it and in the attempt of either showing this driver their support or heckling him as they ripped off their shirts and got to twirling them around in the air as he came around the corner hot!

Little did these guys know, the rally driver might have come around the corner just a little bit too quickly, perhaps because he was distracted, as he slid wide and nearly took out the drunken, or at least what we presumed to be drunken, cheering section. As if this wasn’t enough to teach these guys their lesson, one of the men even continued to stand in front of the car as it tried to take off again.

Check out the video down below that takes these fans right to the edge of the action as they get a little bit too close. If this driver misjudged the corner just a little bit more, these fools might have been taken out at their knees and some real damage could have been done.

Cosas que no tenés que hacer cuando vas a ver un rally.

Posted by CORSA on Saturday, January 28, 2017