Civic driving under semi in Houston texas
The Fast and the Furious is one of those movies that we have all seen about a million times here in the world of cars. However, we didn’t think that anybody would actually be dumb enough to go out there and try some of the stunts that they show off on screen. Apparently, we were wrong!
This time, we join along with a Houston, Texas driver, wielding his Honda Civic as he navigates down the highway and finds a semi truck towing a beam that looks like it’s high enough to fit a compact car underneath. What is the driver do? Well, we don’t think that it takes a genius to see where this one is going.
We watch a crudely recorded video as the driver starts to veer towards the truck, with a steering wheel in one hand and a cell phone any other to record the antics. Now, he did make it out on the other side in one piece but this really wasn’t the smartest thing that this driver has done in his life.
Check out the video below that showcases the maneuver and tell us what you think of this driver making a gutsy move like this in order to imitate one of the most popular movie series of all time. There’s a reason why they slap that “don’t try this at home” message at the beginning of the movie, folks!