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This Chevy Colorado Made How Much Power on the Dyno?

The guys over at Sloppy Mechanics have built quite an impressive Chevy Colorado, as many of you already know. The truck represents everything that is awesome about GM’s LS platform, relying on a surprisingly stock bottom end with a gnarly turbo setup to crank out as much power as possible on a respectable budget.

They recently strapped the Colorado on the dyno to see just how much power the combo is making, and shocked even themselves. The first pull – a safe run to check things out – netted an impressive 714 horsepower. After that, the boost and fuel curves were cranked up a few notches and the straps tightened down a little more to keep it in contact with the rollers, and the truck spun out and impressive 973 horsepower.

With the fuel system nearing capacity, they decided to bump it up one more PSI and shoot for the fabled 4-digit HP level, but came up just a tad short after hitting the fuel cut due to running out of fuel, topping out at 992 HP. Unfortunately, the bottom end wasn’t quite up to the task, ending the day after lifting a head and possibly bending a rod. Regardless, these numbers from a junkyard bottom end are insanely impressive!