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Badass Diesel Truck Rolls Coal Like No Other

If it’s the drag racing scene that you’re talking about, the very fabric that makes it up is changing on the regular, bringing in and out all different kinds of trends, both large scale and smaller that really help you to appreciate every aspect of how much the game is constantly changing.

This time, we catch up with a form of racing that has been huge recently as diesel performance has really taken off and skyrocketed to new heights, showcasing machines that are able to rocket down the strip with impressive times backing them up, reaching speeds that you might’ve never even thought possible.

In this featurette at by the guys over Urban Hillbilly Action Videos, we’re able to get a good look at a competitor in the Pro Street Diesel category at the 2016 NHRDA event out at Tulsa Raceway Park and this sinister machine is absolutely flying in between the concrete walls.

Check out the video below that shows off the truck that appears to be a reformed Dodge Dakota that has become an eight-second missile that reaches speeds of 159 mph in the quarter. In order to enjoy everything that this truck has to offer, you simply have to see it in action to truly believe what it’s capable of.