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What Happens If You put Safety Glasses into Liquid Nitrogen?

When we’re talking about popular YouTube experimenters, the Crazy Russian Hacker and liquid nitrogen go together about as well as peanut butter and jelly. You can find the hacker putting all kinds of situations to the test to see exactly how they’ll respond to the sudden and drastic change in temperature.

This time, we check out what happens when he takes a pair of safety glasses and dips them in the substance, freezing them to the point where they go from flexible to solid and then removing them to see what the new state of the glasses is all about. Almost immediately after taking the submerged glasses from the nitrogen to the atmosphere, they explode and make the Hacker jump back emphatically!

Check out the video below that shows us the experiment firsthand and shows you what can happen if you decide to play with liquid nitrogen. This isn’t something that we would try at home but we’re incredibly excited to see what kind of diabolical experiment the Crazy Russian is able to think up next!