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Close Call! Man Knocked Down by Truck Rolls Under it and Miraculously Survives

Sometimes you just get lucky. The day this video was recorded is obviously this bicyclists lucky day.

As you can see from this surveillance footage, taken in east China’s Zhejiang, there is a man on a bicycle who seems to think he has the right of way to cut in front of a big rig. As you can imagine, that doesn’t end well for the cyclist.

In the blink of an eye, the truck knocks him from his bicycle, sending him scrambling. Look closely, you can see him trying frantically to crawl in front of the truck to avoid being run over. However, the truck continues forward and roll right over the horrified rider, seemingly sending him to his death, if not at least some terrible injuries. As the truck moves off screen and on toward its destination, though, we see the bike rider emerge from the rear, stand up, and limp quickly back to his bicycle, seemingly having done the impossible and emerged with only minor injuries.
